Sunday School Ministries
Regardless...Let's come prepared to spend time with God and His people.
Actually, On Sunday -Praise and Worship starts in the Sanctuary at 6:00 p.m. At 6:00, Prayer starts in the upper room....and Sunday School for all ages begins around 6:30 p.m.
1999-May 2000 Sunday School Superintendent: Ken Scott, with office staff: Becky Kelsey and Marian Pollard
Sunday School Ministries Board:
Ken Scott, Ray Bellomy, Joe Richmond, Shelly Stroud, Ricia Harders, Debbie Baldwin, Robin Tober, and Debbie Reiniche.
For Childrens Sunday School Information click here!.
For Info on Teen and College Sunday School... click here!
For young adults age 18-22.
Holly RobinsonCollege Club meets at the home of Jim and Linda Stauffenburg
2) Living by Grace: For Young Married and Singles (approx. age 22-40)
LeAnn McCormick3) Adult I: Ranges in ages 22-89. Bible Study is the focal point.
Pastor Jack McComick4) Newly Married Class: For Newly Married couples (obviously).
LeAnn McCormick5) Adult III: Usually is a topical class, which involves special reading books, etc... This quarter topic is: "GETTING YOUR FINANCES UNDER CONTROL"
Dan and Diane Ferris
6) Basic Bible: This class is designed for "New Christians", "New Nazarenes", or "Newcomers" to the Protestant Church.
Or, Call the Church office at 468-8946.
We Aim to Please!
P.O.Box 698
Manteno, IL. 60950